Virtual AI Empowered
E-CAD Engineer

Revolutionize the way electrical, electronic & IoT projects are designed, budgeted, documented, and managed with LePlan.

We help you reduce the design cost per project on average by 78% and the design time by 92%

Our Services

At LePlan, our mission is to empower engineers, designers, and project managers with cutting-edge technology to simplify complex processes in electrical, electronic, and IoT project design, documentation & management. We're dedicated to driving innovation and efficiency in the Industrial and Marine Industry
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Advanced Digital Electrical Schematics Design

Our comprehensive solution offers unified documentation, rapid materials cost estimation, detailed bills of materials, system overviews, 2D views of electrical cabinets, and intricate electrical diagrams, enhancing efficiency in electrical, electronic, and IoT projects.

Instant Cost Estimation and Budgeting

Our service offers instant cost estimation, simplifying budgeting for your projects. Sales teams benefit by swiftly obtaining accurate material cost quotes, enabling informed decisions and efficient project planning.

Streamlined Documentation and Reporting

Optimized information flow to ensure efficient and effective communication within an organization. Collecting, sorting, and presenting information into a strcuctured and easy to access datalake creating a more cohesive and streamlined organization that can achieve its goals more effectively.


Seamless Supply Chain Integration

Seamless Supply Chain Integration streamlines operations, connects stakeholders, and uses technology to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Detailed instructions optimize the process to procure, produce and deliver your products.

LePlan P.C. 
Karaiskaki 11, Attiki, 16672, Greece
Company Registration Number: 166786009000
Telephone: +30 211 212 5050